Relax in Japan every year is becoming easier. This is due not only to a significant reduction in the cost of tours, but also to a significant simplification of obtaining…

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What to see in Japan (part 1)
Japan is a country not everyone can understand. Its rich culture, carefully guarded and holy revered traditions are wonderfully combined with the extraordinary pace of development of high technology; crazy…

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FUJI-SAN. Ascent to the most famous mountain in Japan (part 1)
The view from the top of Mount Fuji to the clouds floating at the feet is one of the most cherished spectacles that every tourist probably dreams of when he…

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Japanese language difficulties

Due to the difficult writing and vocabulary features, the Japanese language can become a stumbling block for even the most talented linguists. But now, it seems, the difficulties of the Japanese language are baffling even its speakers.

According to the National Institute of Multimedia Education, which tested 13 thousand first-year students at 33 universities and colleges, one fifth of students learned to read only by the age of 13-15.

Students were offered test texts and asked to identify nouns, adjectives and adverbs in them.

Two-thirds of those tested understood the word “upset” as “being happy.” Continue reading

Sakura blossom time (part 3)

It is customary to gather for picnics not only during the day, but also in the late evening and even at night, because at this time the blossoming sakura is especially beautiful. In the parks and gardens under the trees, small lanterns called “wright-appu” are installed, which illuminate them from below, as well as tall lanterns made of “washi” rice paper, from which light gently falls on the flowers. Night hanami is called “Iosakura”, which means “night sakura.”

In the spring, when sakura blooms, a magical time begins in Japan. From all over the world, connoisseurs of beauty come here to enjoy the moment when the whole country is buried in white and pale pink colors. The splendor of flowering trees is difficult to put into words, however, like everything in this world, it is inconsistent. Continue reading

Sakura blossom time (part 2)

Japanese cherry blossoms stretch from subtropical to temperate latitudes, so all seasonal changes smoothly flow from south to north. On the southernmost island of Japan, Okinawa, the first sakura buds open in January, while on the northern island of Hokkaido, sakura can bloom only by summer.

The beginning and duration of sakura blossom varies from year to year. It is officially believed that in Tokyo, sakura blooms from March 27 to April 7, in Sapporo from March 12 to April 20, in Kyoto from April 4 to 16, in Osaka from April 5 to 13, however, these figures are approximate. Continue reading

Sakura blossom time (part 2)
CALENDAR TIME FLOWER OF SAKURA Japanese cherry blossoms stretch from subtropical to temperate latitudes, so all seasonal changes smoothly flow from south to north. On the southernmost island of Japan,…


Japanese New Year (part 3)
And NOW THE MOST PLEASANT - GIFTS Interesting articles The first thing that comes to the Japanese mind: clay, paper, drawn, metal, plastic - any images and figures of the…


GARDEN EBISU To get better acquainted with Tokyo illumination, head to the Ebisu Garden, which is located in the Shibuya area. Here you will come across an exciting city landscape:…
